5 Useful Browser Extensions for Web Developers

Five browser extensions to boost your productivity as a developer

Reymund Virtus
Bits and Pieces


Source: [Canva]


If you’re a developer, you probably already have a list of Chrome extensions that you use on a regular basis. Extensions that make life simpler, increase productivity, or execute a critical activity more efficiently than a specific tool. It’s possible that this list will add to that collection.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at The Best Browser Extensions for Web Developers.

1. StyleStash


StyleStash is a browser extension, which is the magic behind it easy to inspect, edit, and save CSS styles from any web page, including web pages that you’re developing. It’s the perfect tool for web developers. Never again will you find yourself searching for that snippet of CSS code! StyleStash is currently available for Google Chrome.

1251+ users

Rating: 3/5 for usability

2. Blackbox


Blackbox is the most efficient method for copying text from Videos and Images just Select, Copy, Paste & Lookup. Copy and paste the code from any coding video or live video call into your text editor, just like you would from GitHub or Stack Overflow. Users will be able to use this extension if they are watching a video online. They will be able to click on this extension, select a piece of text within the video, and have it copied and pasted into a text editor.

200,000+ users

Rating: 4.5/5 for usability

3. Awesome Color Picker

Awesome Color Picker

Awesome Color Picker is an extremely useful web page zoomed selection. It’s a great Chrome developer plugin since it can rapidly recognize any color on any web page and zooms in close enough to set a 1px wide border. Even if you don’t use it every day, it’s a useful tool to have on hand.

Awesome Color Picker is activated by selecting the color brush icon after it has been installed. Your cursor will turn into a crosshair; mark the area you wish to identify, and the RGB values and hex should show on the right side of the screen.

10,000+ users

Rating: 4.8/5 for usability

4. JavaScript and CSS Code Beautifier

JavaScript and CSS Code Beautifier

JavaScript and CSS Code Beautifier formats your JS and CSS files for optimal readability. This JavaScript and CSS beautifier tool lets you choose your indentation levels and how you want braces to be generated. Beautifies your JavaScript and CSS using either tab, 2 spaces, 3 spaces, or 4 spaces. Choose different brace styles: collapsed, expanded, or expanded with a new line. Automatically adds spaces before functions and conditional statements for optimal readability. It also supports copy-paste or file upload.

40,000+ users

Rating: 4.3/5 for usability

5. WhatFont?


WhatFont is a great Browser extension for web developers who need to figure out what fonts are on a website. It’s quick, accurate, and detects specific typefaces on a page in a matter of seconds. It also indicates the family, as well as the height, weight, and color of the individual. All of this happens within a little browser popup window.

WhatFont is perfect for web developers who want to save samples of amazing pages they might want to copy in the future. It’s little, uses few resources, and is well worth your time. It hasn’t been updated in a long time, but it still works fine.

1,000,000+ users

Rating: 3.5/5 for usability


We looked at 5 Browsers extensions that can help you become a better programmer and increase your productivity in this article.

There are also plenty of other Browser extensions to try out for a variety of cases. Here are a couple more extensions to look into:

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